Greetings Families, Friends, Elves and Wizards!
ABS is holding our first annual LARP Day on June 7th! LARP stands for Live Action Role Play. We are essentially creating a Renaissance Faire in exchange for our annual Field Day.
We are looking for a handful of volunteers to come and enjoy the experience while hopefully helping run / participate in a station or activity!
Activities/stations will include: Potions (fancy drinks), a Tannery, Armory (cardboard crafting), Face painting, Dance Battle arena, a Riddle Hermit, Sand Treasure Dig, Slip n slide, field games, a Quest through the Woods and more!
If you or your child are attending, it is encouraged (but not required) to come to school with a costume! This could include Halloween costumes, fancy garb, or anything that may help feel fantastical!
Please contact Annalise Ennis @
or Andrew McPhillips @
for more information or to volunteer!
Thank you and Salutations!
+ Mr. Andrew