June 9th - First round of 9 holes at 7:30 p.m. in the light of day. Dinner on the deck at 9-ish. Second round of 9 holes at 9:30-ish in the DARK!
Added bonus: You will be able to hear the music from Kyle Stevens on the deck with his Friday Night Music Concert during your first round!
Also included: Fantastic Dinner of Teriyaki Chicken, Hot Dogs, Hawaiian Green Salad, Sweet Potatoes w/ Lime & Cookies!
More Fun: Glow 'jewelry'. Random prizes.
Sign-up in the clubhouse or call 893 0234. GET YOUR TEAM of 2 or 4 and vote on your Team Name (prize for best name?). Four players per hole with shotgun start. Deposit of $20 at sign-up. Cost: $55.00 includes EVERYTHING. (Members eligible for discount!)