Calais Conservation Commission Meeting
Wednesday, June 7
7:00 PM
Calais Town OFFICE or Zoom
1) Additions or revisions to agenda
2) Approve minutes of May 3, 2023, meeting
3) Public Comment for items not on the agenda
4) Non-native invasive species -- identify a few specific treatment projects that can be tackled this year; begin planning a volunteer effort for this summer -- Neal, Noreen Bryan, Tracy, Mark
5) Introduction of, and talk with, prospective new commission members. Interested Calais residents are urged to come -- Larry
6) A possible problem with commercial dog walkers on the Town easement into Bliss Pond Town Forest -- Larry
7) Introduction of Google Docs as a working platform for CC documents and related materials -- Mark
Join Meeting on Zoom:
Meeting ID: 845 6325 5293
Passcode: 829508
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