Please join us for a reading of newly published poems by local poets Laura Foley and Sarah Dickenson Snyder.
The award-winning author of nine poetry collections, Laura Foley's most recent is "It's This". She lives with her wife and their romping canines, among the hills of Pomfret, Vermont.
Sarah Dickenson Snyder has four poetry collections. She lives in Norwich, carves in stone, rides her bike, and says that travel opens her eyes. Her new book is "Now These Three Remain."
Following the formal reading, we'll open up the evening to attendees who would like to share a poem of their own. Please let us know in advance if this is of interest.
The Yankee Bookshop will be on hand with copies of the new books. This event is free and the public is warmly welcome to attend. Seating is limited; RSVP is appreciated.