Open Farm Market Aug. 3

Past event
Aug 3, 2014, 10 AM to 1 PM

Come to Bee Haven Honey Farm this Sunday from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm for an open farm market.
We'll have our raw honey (pints, quarts and one gallon buckets) along with our natural body care products, medicinals
and garden goodies for sale, along with the lovely arts and crafts of friends and neighbors. Stop by to replenish the honey supply and say hi.

This weeks artist is Fran Cerulli with her hand-knit, hand-dyed sweaters and adorable hand-made clothes pin holders and maybe a little sacred sculpture from Nadya Beck.

We're at 18 Norton Road, just off of Rt. 12 south of Worcester Village. If you come up Rt. 12 from Montpelier, take a right hand turn onto Norton Road, the bridge the crosses the river in Putnamville. We're the first house on the other side of the bridge - a green farmhouse with white trim.

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