Come pick your own peonies! Stroll our patch of 100+ mature plants and fill a whole bucket with your favorites. Delight your senses as you experience their different forms, colors, and fragrances.
We'll show you how to properly harvest and care for your peonies for the longest vase life. Growing tips will also be shared for the gardeners in the group.
After all the pretty picking, enjoy light refreshments while taking in the beautiful surroundings. You're also welcome to bring a picnic to enjoy after harvesting.
When it's time to part ways, you'll have a newfound appreciation for this beautiful bloom - and lots of flowers to arrange around your space!
$125 per adult/bucket, +$25 to share a bucket with a friend (refreshments for both)
$15 children 6-15 includes refreshments
Children under 2 free
(children 2-5 are unable to attend this event, we're sorry)
Advance sign up required, space is limited