Pollinator Garden Work Meeting

Past event
Jun 3, 8 AM to 1 PM, Jun 4, 2023

For the next meeting, I'm thinking we try something different and open up all of next weekend for people to stop down whenever they feel like it.

1)tilling (hoping this will be done by the weekend)
2) removing sod
3) removing large rocks

I won't be available 6/3 but I will be there 6/4 by 9am and will spend at least a couple hours. I'll also be going various mornings throughout this week if anyone wants to join me just let me know and I can notify you when I'm headed down… If you're only available in the evenings, I can also stop down for a bit for any questions...

Please see email and other FPF post for details regarding donations needed. Thanks so much everyone! Have a great Memorial Day wkend!

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Stone Meadow Park, Waldo Lane, Wallingford, VT

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