"Lynette's Native Plants, etc." Opening This Friday

Past event
May 26, 10 AM to 4 PM, May 27, 2023

Posting for a friend in the Bend!

"Lynette's Native Plants, etc." Opening This Friday
Lynette Courtney, Lynette's Native Plants, etc. • The Bend Rd, Greensboro Bend

When: May 26, 10 AM to 4 PM, May 27, 2023
Where: 281 The Bend Rd, Greensboro, VT

I am pleased to announce the seasonal opening of "Lynette's Native Plants, etc." Nursery, at 281 The Bend Rd., in Greensboro Bend, on Friday & Saturday, May 26-27, from 10 am - 4 pm, (our regular hours). You can also arrange a visit, on Sundays or Mondays, by advance appointment or by chance, at newleaf@vtlink.net or leave a message at 1 (802) 533-9836. Also, visit http://www.nativeplantsetc.com for loads of info & pictures of many of the plants that are available.

The inventory of plants has doubled, offering more diverse choices for every garden or wild location; sun to shade, dry to wet & plants that provide flowering throughout the season, till heavy frost. They will provide beauty for you, plus an up close & personal chance to observe native pollinators, doing their part, exchanging pollen & nectar, for giving back viable seeds, to carry on the annual cycle. This can only happen if both plants & pollinators survive, in their native locals.

You can be an important part of this cycle, by planting native plants on your property, in gardens or in wild places. Every new native plant, shrub or tree, will allow its pollinators to thrive & for your family to glimpse all these diverse plants & their allies. You will also see birds & insects which count on these plants for winter food. I can assure you that this is all fascinating! Children will be inspired to love everything about nature & its vital importance, & they will grow up to understand our native world & how fragile it is.

From trout lilies, trillium & bloodroot, in early spring, to blossoming, fruit-bearing shrubs & trees, to the glorious colors of fall asters, goldenrods & joe-pye weed, you can find all these & scores more, along with rare & hard to find plants.

You will also find a wide collection of very unusual & rare interior plants, with interesting, decorative foliage, flowers & forms. Some with historic lineage. Many can live outside until nights cool & have beautiful blooms.

I would be happy to answer any questions & give growing advice, for everything that is offered. I hope you'll stop by to wander the acres of woodlands, wetlands & gardens, & to pick violets in the lawns. I'd love to show you around!

I am also available to give programs, guided walks, garden consultations & how to turn a lawn into a meadow.

Thank you very much! Lynette Courtney

"Lynette's Native Plants, etc."
281 The Bend Rd.
Greensboro Bend, VT 05842

1 (802) 533-9836

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