Calling All Young Filmmakers!

Past event
Aug 4, 9 AM to 3 PM, Aug 8, 2014

We have two openings in our Filmmaking Camp beginning next week, August 4-8th, and we're looking for some young filmmakers ages 9-12 years to join in the fun here at River Arts! Making movies is one of the most collaborative arts in existence. A memorable film involves the skill, creativity and input of all participants. In this interactive, experiential workshop, young people will have the opportunity to create a short film by delving into every aspect of the creation process: screenplay writing, directing, acting shooting video and editing. The final projects, 3-5 minute films, will culminate in an open showing for families and friends. Give us a call for more information, or to register, 802-888-1261. Financial assistance is available, and we strive to make our programs affordable for every family!

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