Public Hearing Re: Proposed Amendments to LUD Regs

Past event
Jun 12, 2023, 6 to 7 PM

Warning: Notice of Public Hearing by Calais Selectboard to Adopt the Proposed Amendments to
Calais Land Use & Development Regulations

The Calais Selectboard hereby provides notice of a public hearing to be held in accordance with 24 V.S.A.§§ 4384(d) and 4444 (Public Hearing Notice) for the purpose of hearing public comments concerning proposed amendments to Calais Land Use & Development Regulations as last amended in March 2017.

Date: June 12, 2023
Time: 6 P.M.
Place: Calais Town Hall, Kent Hill Road, Calais, VT

The Calais Selectboard will present the proposed revisions and take questions and comments from the public.

The Calais Land Use & Development Regulations [LUDR] were adopted by Town Vote in March of 2005 with subsequent amendments in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, and 2017. The basis for these amendments started with the purpose of improving water quality and moved into the area of flood resiliency and includes addressing statutory changes and correcting and improving the language used in the regulations.

Index of changes are:

 Amend: Table 1.1
 Amend: 1.5 general technical amendments for clarity
1.5 A (5) Exemptions for ADA handicap ramps
1.5.A (11) Exemptions for Required Agricultural Practices
 Amend: 1.6 added items for ZA duties
 Amend: 1.8 Variances to accommodate FHO/RCO language
 Amend: Article 2: Technical changes for clarity.
 Delete/rewrite: Table 2.4 Delete old Shoreland District regulation: Replace with a new Shoreland Overlay [SHROD]
 Amend: Table 2.5: Changed name to Highland Overlay so as not to conflict with Shoreland Overlay and added language to DRB consideration for development in Upland Overlay
 Amend/Rewrite: Table 2.7: Flood Hazard Overlay and ADD a River Corridor Overlay
 Amend: Section: 3.8: To reflect inter-relationship with FHO/RCO, etc.
 Amend: Section 3.10 (A) for clarification.
 Amend: Section 3.12: Protection of Natural Resources to reflect new SHROD, FHO/RCO Overlays language
 Amend: Section 3.14: Amend Surface water buffers
 ADD: New Section 3.15: Erosion Control and Stormwater Management
 Delete: Section 4.4 (2) Exemption for extraction of materials associated with agricultural or forestry operations
 Delete/Move: Section 5.4 is deleted. All DRB review for Flood Hazard and River Corridor Overlays is within the revised Table 2.7. All definitions currently in 5.4 have been added to the new Article 9 Definitions.
 Amend: Section 5.5 (A) 1. and 5.5 (C) Design Advisory Board - improve process
 Amend/Rewrite: Article 9: Replace current definitions with updated definitions: Many amended and new definitions to reflect the changes in SHROD, surface water protection, Flood Hazard, and River Corridor Overlay regulations. Combined all definitions from the text and put all definitions in one table.

The full text of the LUDR with amendments and a draft of the report to DHCD and CVRPC can be found on the town website under the Public Notice section or Planning Commission tab. There are two editions to the LUDR, one with tracking and one without tracking.

For further information feel free to contact Anne Winchester, Chair of Calais Selectboard at or Jan Ohlsson, PC Chair at

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