Rummage sale this weekend! Not your typical "everything is junk, and I want you to pay me for it"! Some items include, ps2 tyco drums, stick and a game for $10.00! Board games, a brand new skate board, 3 ceiling fans, Mesa international hand painted pottery dishware, candlesticks, women's clothing, Winnie the Pooh toys and collectables, books, dvd's, jewelry, large solid oak leaded glass mirror, picture frames, throw pillows and a matching blanket, footstool, storage ottoman, 2 solid wood mission style console tables, couch, refrigerator, microwave, microwave stand, multiple glass vases, toys, D & D guidebook, infant clothing, purses, back packs, insulated bags, a briefcase, twin window fan brand new in the box!, 2 small gently used garbage cans, various knick knacks, plus soooooo much more.. Please feel free to share this publicly and help me out!!
Times are Friday 10am -4pm, Saturday 8am - 4pm and possibly Sunday morning 9-12 if needed @ 80 Chalet Heights, Huntington VT 05462. Hope to see you there!!
Sorry I will not be able to respond to email inquiries on specific items or hold things. Come check it out! You won't be sorry!
Mar 6, 2025, 7 to 9 PM
March 8 Perinatal/Postpartum Sleep Education Event!Mar 8, 2025, 1 to 2 PM
Coffee and Cards at the Westford Public LibraryMar 11, 2025, 10:30 AM to 12 PM