With just a week to go before the Vermont Crafts Council's Open Studio Weekend on May 27th and 28th from 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM, I wanted to share a map of the participating artisans and encourage you to plan a trip near or far to check out the amazing work of fellow Vermonters.
This year there are several "loops" that have been created to make the work of planning your open studio visits a lot easier. Use the link below to review the 17 loops that have been created.
We're fortunate to have four Northfield and Roxbury residents included this year in the Northfield, Warren and Waitsfield loop. They are:
Raven's Nest Studio and Gallery – Kathrena Ravenhorst-Adams. Watercolors, pastels, oils, note cards. ravenhorst-adams.com.
Lynn Sarah Newcomb. Lithographs, etchings and drawings. lynnnewcombvt.com.
Peter Evans Pottery – Peter Evans. Utilitarian, hand thrown stoneware pottery. peterevanspottery.com.
Josh Axelrod Photography – Josh Axelrod. Fine art photography. joshaxelrod.com.
Love Art globally, support Art locally!