Figure Drawing/Painting Intensive with Bill Murphy

Past event
Jul 24, 10 AM to 2 PM, Jul 28, 2023

Have you ever wanted to immerse yourself in an exciting and rewarding artistic experience with a community of other artists? Just imagine learning from a master while exploring the figure every day for one entire week! Intense? That's exactly the point! And you don't have to travel to NYC to attend; we're bringing NYC to Montpelier, VT!

with NYC artist Bill Murphy
July 24 - 28, 2023, 10AM - 2PM
Bethany Center for the Arts (Chapel Gallery) in downtown Montpelier
(This activity is not affiliated with any sect, denomination or political organization)

Space is filling up fast, so reserve your spot now! Go to:

Drawing/Painting Intensive with Bill Murphy is a workshop experience designed for artists and students who want to take their artmaking to the next level. Besides stressing the fundamental concepts of drawing/design (proportion, value, and perspective), we will also be aiming to make fully-realized, finished works. Planning a composition of a drawing (as one would plan a painting), working with varying scale, inclusion of props, and exploring psychological effects of narrative imagery. Demos as well as one-on-one critiques will be used to further explain visual art concepts. Each class will begin with a short drawing exercise designed to engage and invigorate our drawing sensibility and to increase our attention to the present moment and the materials at hand. Each class will have one long pose. Models will be posing draped and undraped (nude). Students are welcomed to work in whatever drawing (or paint) mediums they wish to explore.

Please share this opportunity with others and direct any questions to me at:

Thank you!
Joseph Loccisano, Project Organizer
Art Immersive Montpelier (A.I.M.)

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Bethany United Church of Christ, Main Street, Montpelier, VT

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