Have you ever stopped to marvel at a plant or bird song and wondered just what you were looking at or hearing? The answer could be right in the palm of your hand!
Join Dany, SLT's Youth and Volunteer Projects Coordinator, to explore the woods through the lens of free naturalist apps. The two apps of focus will be Seek and Merlin Bird ID. In the first half of the training, we will explore IDing trees and various plant species using Seek and the second half will be focused on IDing bird calls using Merlin Bird ID.
We'll meet at the Stowe Land Trust office at 6 Sunset Street before walking to Sunset Rock.
Through each app there will be the opportunity to share your findings with the broader community and become a citizen scientist! Please arrive with both apps downloaded and be prepared for potentially buggy conditions as we will be out close to sunset hours.
Who: Open to everyone! The hike up Sunset Rock is short but steep, over a relatively smooth trail.
What: Learn about some of the great free nature apps available on your phone.
Where: Meet at Stowe Land Trust office
When: Monday, August 14, 5-6:30 pm
Why: Find out how we can use technology to deepen our understanding of the natural world!
Cost: Free
Mar 5, 2025, 5:30 to 6:30 PM
Craft GroupMar 6, 2025, 6 to 8 PM
Grand Opening: Preventive Medicine Stowe!Mar 11, 2025, 9 AM