The Marshfield Development Review Board will hold a public hearing at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 8, 2023 at the Old Schoolhouse Common, 122 School St., and via Zoom, to receive comment on the following application:
Description of Project: Mr. Henry Harris is applying for a permit to allow recurring events of an agricultural nature to take place on his farm located at 1356 Ennis Hill Rd. This is to include up to 10 overnight events of up to 9 days each in duration each during each calendar year. No more than two such events would be scheduled in any one month. These events are limited to no more than 200 attendees.
Parcel ID: EN 029 Kathleen Hayes, Zoning Administrator
April 25, 2023
Although adjoining landowners are not required to attend this hearing, participation at the hearing is a prerequisite to the right to appeal any resulting decision/action of the Development Review Board [24 VSA §4464(a)(1)(C)]
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