Yestermorrow Lecture Series July 30

Past event
Jul 30, 2014, 7 to 8:30 PM

Let’s Get Small: Tiny House Interior Design Considerations

The tiny house movement – and the general trend toward downsizing – provides an extraordinary design challenge and opportunity: how can we effectively and efficiently utilize each precious square foot to both store our possessions and maintain a comfortable and inviting living environment? In this presentation, we’ll hear from Tiny House dweller and advocate Lina Menard about interior design considerations for small spaces, including tips and tricks for making small spaces seem bigger, ideas for stacking functions, and clever storage solutions. Some techniques are drawn from age-old strategies, others from modern technologies. Even if you don't plan to live in a wee abode, you will gather some practical ideas for making better use of the spaces in your home.

This lecture is free and open to the public.

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