Walk to Shop's bright green trolleys will be at the Farmers Market this Saturday!
It's "Park your Carbon Week" --and many neighbors are celebrating in style using Walk to Shop's bright green trolley for their short trips to the store. It feels good leaving the car parked and using your feet to go shopping. Walk to Shop's trolley makes it so easy to carry multiple bags of groceries and veggies home from the store and Farmers Market.
Load up to 50 pounds and wheel it smoothly over neighborhood streets! These are affordably priced, quality trolley bags, weatherproof to keep items dry, includes two handy pockets, and its bright green color makes it safer to walk, exercise, and save money on fuel.
What better time than now, Park Your Carbon week, to make your next trip to the store a greener way to go!
Stop by this Saturday at the Burlington Farmers Market on Pine Street and learn why shoppers are saying "I love my trolley!" Take one for a test walk, between 9 and 2 pm and discover the easy way to carry groceries!
You can also take the Pledge to Park Your Carbon, at: parkyourcarbon.org
Walk to Shop is a project of Net Zero Vermont, a statewide non-profit organization committed to a just and sustainable future. Learn more at walktoshop.org., whose mission is to encourage "more people to walk more often"
(Let us know if you've spotted our Walk to Shop trolleys around town!)