The May Reading Energy Board Meeting will be tomorrow, May 18th, at 7 PM on Zoom. It promises to be an action packed session! Amongst other items, we will be reviewing the proposals we have received for a potential town-owned solar array that is intended to cover up to 100% of the town's annual electricity use, while generating significant cost savings for the town over the warrantied lifetime of the array. This discussion and any necessary followup will inform any recommendations we might make to the Select Board at the June meeting. If you are interested in learning more, or have ideas/feedback, please join!
Plus, you can help us brainstorm ideas for how to best organize a community wide dialog on energy resiliency for Reading...which will be supported by a $4000 grant we recently were awarded from the Vermont Municipal Energy Resilience Program!
Agenda at town website here:[...]3FC
Zoom link here: