Visit Williston Sustainable Family Gardens Aug. 5

Past event
Aug 5, 2014, 6 to 8:30 PM


Sustainable Williston would love for you to join us on a tour of five Williston sustainable family gardens (vegetables, berries, and more) on Tuesday, August 5th, at 6pm. We can accommodate up to 25 people, so please preregister! We'll meet at the community gardens at Brennan Park and circle Williston, stopping at each of the five gardens and coming back to Brennan Park by dusk. No car necessary.

More info, directions, a garden slideshow, a registration form, and an interactive tour map are on our Web site at . You can reserve your place there or reply by e-mail to me (Luc Reid) with the following info:

Names of each person in your party:
Your e-mail address:

Hope to see you there,
Luc Reid
Sustainable Gardens tour organizer/Sustainable Williston webmaster

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