Williamstown's Memorial Day Celebration

Past event
May 20, 2023, 9:30 AM

The Town of Williamstown will be holding their annual Memorial Day Celebration, Saturday, May 20th, 9:30 at the Public Safety Building. This includes a craft fair beginning at 9:30, parade will begin at 11:30, starting from the Billtown Roadhouse going down VT Route 14, ending on Meadow Street. Chicken BBQ will be put on by the Williamstown Fire Department at Noon at the Public Safety Building and fireworks at dusk.

Chicken BBQ tickets are $15.00 which includes a 1/2 chicken, potato salad, macaroni salad and roll.
Tickets for the Chicken BBQ may be purchased through the following link, https://www.eventbrite.com/.../wfd-chicken-bbq-memorial... or reserve through the Town Clerk's office at 802-433-5455 x 103

Williamstown Alumni Banquet will also be held that evening at the Billtown Roadhouse for any alumni, dinner and dancing, interested please contact Marie Abare at 802-272-0914.

Come out and celebrate the beginning of summer!

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