Bennington County Beekeepers Meeting

Past event
May 11, 2023, 7 to 8:30 PM

BCBC May meeting, "Spring Hive Management" Thursday, 5/11 @ 7 pm.
If you need a ZOOM invite, email
This is very helpful information, if you are new to beekeeping and a great refresher for everyone else.

Some of the subjects being discussed are:

1.Type of equipment and foundation
2. Burr comb
3. Weather impacts on production and health
4. Inspections and documentation
• How to... and frequency
• Removing frames
• Knowing the biology
• Brood and population
• Queen cells
• Signs of swarming
5. Swarm prevention
6 Swarm control methods
7. Encouraging comb production
8. Mite monitoring and control - some details

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