Mill River Unified Union School District (MRUUSD)
Board of Directors
Wednesday, May 17, 2023, 7:00 p.m.
IN PERSON FORMAT – Wallingford Elementary School Gymnasium
Public Comment will be available in-person attendees, as well as to individuals who submit a written comment to be read aloud in the meeting. Details
regarding public comment are at the end of this agenda.
1. Call to order and Pledge of Allegiance 7:00
2. Approval of agenda (action) 7:04
3. Public input and announcements 7:10
4. Board discussion of public comments- no action will be taken - 10 minutes (discussion) 7:30
5. Approval of minutes from 5/3/2023 (discussion/action) 7:40
6. Wallingford update (discussion) 7:45
7. Mill River boiler room update (discussion) 7:55
8. Board education/strategic planning (discussion/action) 8:05
9. Board attendance (discussion) 8:15
10. Committee reports:
a. Personnel - contracts (discussion/action) 8:25
b. Policy - C7 and F28 for first read (discussion/action) 8:30
c. Building and Grounds (discussion/action) 8:33
d. Community Engagement (discussion/action) 8:36
e. Finance – pay orders (discussion/action) 8:39
11. Transact other legal business (discussion/action) 8:44
12. Agenda building (discussion/action) 8:50
13. Executive session (if required) 8:55
14. Adjourn (action) 9:00
Feb 19, 2025, 5:30 to 8:45 PM
School Board Fireside Chats at the LibraryFeb 24, 2025, 4 to 6 PM
School Budget Q & AFeb 25, 2025, 4:30 to 5:45 PM