Boyce Hill Historical Site Walk

Past event
May 20, 2023, 4 to 6:30 PM

Registration link:

The Mad River Valley Rural Resource Commission and Boyce Hill Steering Committee invite you to join a historical site walk at Boyce Hill on May 20th from 4 pm – 6:30 pm.

This walk will explore findings of the Boyce Hill Education Project led by the MRV Rural Resource Commission and Boyce Hill Steering Committee, made possible by funding from the State of Vermont Certified Local Government (CLG) Grant Program and the Town of Fayston.

In response to the conservation of Boyce Hill by the Vermont Land Trust in 2020 and the Town of Fayston's subsequent efforts to undertake management planning activities for the property, the Boyce Hill Steering Committee partnered with the MRV Rural Resource Commission to undertake site history research that would deepen the understanding of the property's historical uses and activities. Deliverables of the Boyce Hill Education Project are a public presentation of final results via an on-site walking tour and a historical research summary report (to be completed in June 2023). This information will be considered as part of the Boyce Hill Management Plan currently under development by the Boyce Hill Steering Committee.

Boyce Hill boasts a rich cultural, agricultural, and natural history. As such, it is our pleasure to offer this site walk as an opportunity for the public to engage with the project's research, enhance the community's understanding of the property's history, as well as the significance of hill farming in the Mad River Valley.

The walk will be led by Sam Ford of Turn Stone Research and will consist of a site walk, a presentation of her findings, and participant discussion.

Participation will be capped at 25 participants and will include walking up hills both on and off trail. Participants should wear pants, appropriate hiking footwear, and be comfortable walking across uneven terrain in potentially wet conditions.

Parking is limited at Boyce Hill. Participants are encouraged to carpool. Off-site parking is available at the Fayston Town Office (866 N Fayston Rd.), departing at 3:45 PM.

Email Sam Robinson ( if you attempt to sign up after registration has closed but have an interest in attending potential future walks.

Event information will be communicated to participants via email correspondence, but future updates can also be found by visiting the following post (, should any changes occur.

This program receives federal funds from the National Park Service. Regulations of the U.S. Department of the Interior strictly prohibit unlawful discrimination in federally assisted programs on the basis of race, color, national origin, age or handicap. Any person who believes he or she has been discriminated against in any program, activity, or facility operated by a recipient of federal assistance should write to: Director, Office of Equal Opportunity, National Park Service, 1849 C Street, NW, Washington, DC 20240.

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Event Info

337 Boyce Rd, North Fayston, VT

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