From Chittenden Couty Forester Ethan Tapper:
Hi all,
I'm reaching out on this beautiful spring day to share my article for last month, and to let you know about a forestry mountain bike ride I'm leading at the Catamount Community Forest (CCF) in Williston on Saturday. We will be doing a forest management project at the CCF this September as part of a nationwide research project called Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change (ASCC) and this will be the first of many chances to learn more about this project this summer. You can also check out a compilation of articles, videos and other resources about this project at the Catamount Community Forest LinkTree, here:
My article for this month tries to add some nuance and complexity to some of the misleading and incomplete information out there about forest carbon. The article is called is called Resilient Carbon and you can read it here:[...]pdf
For more information about forest carbon, check out Dr. Ali Kosiba's excellent article in the most recent Northern Woodlands magazine ( ) and the awesome resource Forest Carbon: An Essential Natural Solution Forest Climate Change ( by UVM's own Dr. Tony D'Amato, who will also be the lead investigator at the ASCC project at the Catamount Community Forest!
Forestry Ride at the Catamount Community Forest
Saturday, May 13
12:00 - 2:00 PM
Join Ethan Tapper, the Chittenden County Forester, on Saturday, May 13 from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM for an educational bike ride through the Catamount Community Forest in Williston as Part of the Catamount Outdoor Family Center's Spring Launch Party – learn more about the Spring Launch Party here:
In September of 2023, the Catamount Community Forest (CCF) in Williston will be doing some forest management as part of a research project called Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change (ASCC). The goal of this project is to make a 25-acre area in the northwestern corner of the CCF more adaptive and resilient to climate change, in addition to creating more diverse wildlife habitat and making this relatively young forest more like an old growth forest. All this will be done while partnering with the University of Vermont to research how to care for our forests in a changing climate.
To join the ride, bring your mountain bike to the Catamount Outdoor Family Center's parking area at 592 Governor Chittenden Road. We will be riding on relatively flat, graded terrain for a total distance of about 1 mile.
Learn more about this event here:
Check out my YouTube channel, sign up for my email list, read my article archive, stay posted about my various projects and see other links and resources at my LinkTree:
Watch my keynote speech for the New Jersey Forestry Association's annual conference here:
Subscribe to my YouTube channel here:
Ethan Tapper
Chittenden County Forester
Sign up for my email list at:
Feb 9, 2025, 2 to 5 PM
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