Conservation Commission Agenda

Past event
May 11, 2023, 5 to 9 PM

Huntington Conservation Commission Agenda
May 11, 2023, 5-9 pm
Huntington Town Hall, Huntington

In person Retreat and Planning Session for short and long term goals.
Please bring your own utensils, cup and bowl for dinner.

5:00-5:20 Introductions
5:20-5:35 Conservation Commission Background - mission, history, Conservation Fund
5:35 - 6:30 Current / Future / Possible Commitments and Projects
Current Projects
Educational/ Community Engagement: Times Ink! articles; walks & talks (educational programs); Sugarmakers Open House; special revenue fund; Land Acknowledgement; Native Plant Garden; Hinesburg Hollow Geese
Citizen Science: Amphibian Crossing Guard Program; Phenology Trail w/ Audubon
Administrative: Stewards of Conservation Funds (review applications, hold public meeting, make recommendation to SB); Pollinator Plan (annual follow up with town)
Old Town Forest: Updated management plan (including public meeting and presentation to SB); Old Growth Forest Network registration
Community Forest: Collaboration with stewardship committee; Invasives workdays
Protection of Natural Resources: FEMA & Pocket Parks (including Bee the Change planting at Texas Hill); Bears; Goats and Invasive Knotweed; Act 171/ Core Forest; Winooski Tactical Basin Plan
Is there anything missing from this list that we are already committed to or are current projects?
Are there other projects the CC should be working on to meet our mission?
7:00-7:45 Discussion What's most actionable? What's most impactful? What gets you excited? What do we have the capacity for? Project costs? Filter Impact and Effort.
7:45-8:05 Prioritize Time for CC members to place their "dot" stickers based on the projects they think should be short-term and long-term priorities for CC. Process of how to deal with new business/projects.
8:05-8:45 Goal Setting Discuss outcome, possible point person/team on chosen priorities, next steps

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