Mothers' Day

Past event
May 8, 2023

Mothers' Day Gift
Jo Keiller • South Knob Hill Rd, West Windsor

Giving flowers and gifts for Mother's Day is lovely. Here is an additional way to honor the special women in your life--by contributing to the Mothers' Day Movement. This organization was formed by a mom and her two daughters. Each year they raise funds to support small, non profit charities that help to improve women's lives in the U.S. and around the world. These charities specialize in the fields of health, education, mortality rates, clean water, etc.--all the things that effect women and their families.

This year the charity that was chosen is SAVING MOTHERS. Despite advances in maternal healthcare over the years, more than 300,000 women die from pregnancy-related causes each year. It is estimated that most of these deaths are completely preventable. Saving Mothers was founded by a practicing gynecologic surgeon and a recognized leader in global women's health. Saving Mothers brings low cost, high impact solutions to bear on this challenge. Please donate now and a personalized e-card will be sent to your honoree informing them of your life-saving gift in their honor. Because no woman should die giving life.

For more information and to donate, email and scroll down to Saving Mothers.

Thank you. Jo Keiller

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