We invite you to join earth repair networks in various initiatives occuring this spring, summer and fall in downtown Burlington at fragile urban wild, The Pine Street Barge Canal on Unceded Abenaki Territory.
As earth repair networks grow, we recognize all peoples practice have a crucial place in this work, so join us if you can!! You are very invited!
MycoLab 2023 On Site Events at the Pine Street Barge Canal
Community Science
Sundays 2 - 4PM: April 30, May 21*, June 25**, July 9, July 30, Aug 20*, Sept 10*, 17, Oct 15
We will continue to gather ecological inventory on two adjacent Superfund Site parcels that are pooled into this Inaturalist project (https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/pinestreet-barge-canal-superfund-sites) and then listed separately below: 1. back public 11 acres between the canal and the land (small strip we have not yet inventoried is on the west side of the canal!) which last year we began inventorying 2. an adjacent 3.57 acre Supefund site (#501) which originally hosted the Coal gasification plant. We will encourage that this parcel be donated to the City, conserved, & slated for true remediation and restoration. So for now we gather baseline data! Thanks to the St. Michael's GIS College Class who created the map for #501.
**Youth Games, bring your children! As long as the shoes worn are kept outside for a few days and all skin is covered, they should be safe!
* On site Ecological Restoration workshop starting at 10 am to offer training to folx and opportunities to practice skills while helping the land!
Restoration Workshops
Sundays 10AM - 2PM: May 21, Aug 20, Sept 10
Learn how to identify glossy buckthorn (Frangula alnus)and common buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica), how to remove them mechanically with no chemicals, and about our larger restoration plan for this crucial buffer between the land and canal.
Abenaki Panel
Date TBD July 2023
Come listen to Abenaki elders about their childhood memories and ancestral knowledge about this area, so sacred to their people who lived here for thousands of years before colonial devastation occured.
Coming Prepared & Staying Safe
Wear long sleeved pants and shirts and water resistant, sturdy foot wear. There are ticks and poison ivy at this site. Bring any water, snacks, and eco friendly sun & insect protection you may need.
Because the sites we are working in are Superfund sites, wear footwear you can leave outside for 2 days on your porch. Note: the toxins are below the soil surface but in case any particulates enter the tread of your shoes, this is an extra precaution we encourage all site visitors to take.
Address: 453 Pine St, across from Dealer.com
And a local tender of this site, Friends of the Barge Canal is hosting a Greenup Day there this saturday.
Enjoy the leafing out!
Thanks for your consideration.