6:00 Call to order, additions or changes to agenda and administrative items
- Approve Minutes of 04/24/23
- ROW permit issued to Louis Porter. The Selectboard tentatively approved this application with some conditions at the last meeting. Those conditions are now outlined in the document. POSSIBLE ACTION: Vote to approve application and sign ROW permit.
- Sign Board Orders
- Sam Dworkin has resigned as E-911 Coordinator. We have had another applicant who is able to begin the work immediately. POSSIBLE ACTION: Appoint Mark Whitman to be E-911 Coordinator
- EMFD Fire Truck Loan. In March 2022, the voters authorized the Selectboard to borrow up to $66,667, for a term not to exceed five years, to pay for our 1/3 share of a new fire pumper for the EMFD. Calais did not receive the loan because, at the time, we did not have a Town Treasurer as required by the bank. An amount of $13,667 was allocated for first payment of the loan in the FY'23 budget. Nothing was budgeted FY'24. The truck has been ordered and we expect it to be delivered in November or December 2023. Sandra Ferver, our Town Treasurer, has now applied for the loan. POSSIBLE ACTION: Sign the loan proposal to secure a loan of $66,667 from Community Bank for payment to the EMFD toward a new fire truck.
- Review contract with NEMRC for payroll services. NEMRC has sent three potential contracts including a bulk payment agreement covering services that may be provided throughout the year, most of which is included in the FY'24 budget, a cloud service agreement which will not be possible until we have better internet services, and a payroll services agreement. POSSIBLE ACTION: Sign NEMRC contracts regarding bulk time agreement and remote payroll proposal.
- Review contract for services with Washington County Sheriff's Department. POSSIBLE ACTION: Sign contract.
- The Town has received a $90K grant to repair the Moscow Woods Road bridge. DeWolfe Engineering has agreed to do the engineering design work for between $9,000 and $13,500, plus expenses, which would be paid from the grant. POSSIBLE ACTION: Authorize a Road Commissioner to sign the contract with DeWolfe Engineering.
6:15 Public Comment
Up to 15 minutes. Time will be divided so that everyone has equal time to speak.
6:45 Calais Zoning Regulations
The Planning Commission has completed its proposed amendments to the Calais Zoning Regulations and held its second Public Hearing on May 2, 2023 to answer questions and hear concerns. At this meeting, the Planning Commission will formally present the draft to the Selectboard for review and acceptance. POSSIBLE ACTION: Schedule a Public Hearing for June 12, 2023 and warn a town wide vote on the proposal for some time this summer.
6:55 Revised Livestock Ordinance. POSSIBLE ACTION: Adopt Ordinance
7:00 Curtis Pond Dam: Gabrielle Malina, Jamie Moorby, Marge Sweeney, Colleen Bloom
The Curtis Pond Association (CPA) has decided to recommend that we be prepared to issue an RFP for repair of the dam in September 2023 in anticipation of applying to the Bond Bank in November 2023 and doing the work in 2024. In addition, the CPA has reviewed an agreement delineating their responsibilities and Selectboard responsibilities. This has been reviewed by the town Bond counsel. POSSIBLE ACTIONS: Sign agreement. Authorize issuance of RFP, or commit to issuing the RFP some time in the future.
7:15 Reports
- Roads: Jamie Moorby and Anne Toolan
o Town Garage drinking water quality
o Radar signs
o CVRPC traffic studies
- Shared documents and emails: Jordan Keyes
- Status of Shedd v. Calais: Anne Toolan and Jordan Keyes
- Collective Bargaining Team: Jamie Moorby, Anne Toolan, Jordan Keyes
7:45 If time allows, begin revising Selectboard Rules of Procedure.
8:00 New Business and Adjournment
Possible Executive Session if any of the above items require the Selectboard to discuss privately under Vermont Open Meeting Law. None currently anticipated.
Note: Agenda items may be taken up earlier than noted if items are completed more quickly than anticipated.
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