The League of Women Voters will sponsor a second discussion of Ranked Choice Voting on May 9 at 1 p.m. at the Barre Area Senior Center, 131 South Main Street.
LWVVT member, Dr. Betty Keller will lead the discussion. She will familiarize Vermonters with ranked choice voting, an electoral reform method that could be the future of how we vote in Vermont. She will walk participants through a mock election, to build confidence about the process. This will help participants understand, in a fun, interactive way, how RCV works.
Betty will share how ranked choice voting works and why RCV gives voters more voice in presidential primaries. She will discuss what is in S.32, the current Vermont bill on RCV, and whether Vermonters will be better off using ranked choice voting in elections. Afterwards, Betty will answer participants' questions.
Pre-registration is appreciated but not required: 802.479.9512.
The League of Women Voters is an advocate for ranked choice voting in Vermont. In keeping with its mission, the League is conducting a robust public education program to familiarize voters with this voting system and reinforce voter confidence. Contact LWVVT with questions at
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