Ranked choice voting (RCV) is once again in the news as the Legislature is considering a bill to establish ranked choice voting for presidential primary elections in Vermont. If passed, S.32 will have Vermont citizens use the ranked choice method of voting in the 2028 presidential primary elections.
Dr. Betty Keller, League of Women Voters, will host two free programs on ranked choice voting (RCV.)
The first program is May 8 at 7 pm. via zoom. Betty will give us an update on S.32, RCV in Presidential Primaries. This bill passed the Vermont Senate and is now in the House. The amendment in the Senate included allowing municipalities to choose RCV for some local elections as soon as 2024, Town Meeting Day. It also created a summer study committee to develop policies for implementing RCV for the presidential primaries. Additionally it included assessing the possibility of starting RCV in 2026 for some statewide elections.
Betty will explain where in the process the bill is, what changes have been made, and what is expected next. Registration link at https://lwvofvt.org/events-calendar.
Pre-registration is appreciated but not required: 802.479.9512.
The League of Women Voters is an advocate for ranked choice voting in Vermont. In keeping with its mission, the League is conducting a robust public education program to familiarize voters with this voting system and reinforce voter confidence. Contact LWVVT with questions at league@lwvofvt.org.
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