Support the Kiwanis Pool!

Past event
May 6, 2023, 4 to 6:30 PM

I am now in my second year as president of St. Johnsbury's Kiwanis Club. By far, the question I receive the most is, "what's going on with the pool?". Well, actually, quite a lot!

St. Johnsbury's Kiwanis Pool is scheduled to open as soon as area schools let out in the middle of June. Kiwanis' commitment to the area is solid and unwavering; we will again offer swimming lessons, physical therapy swim, and general and family swim to all area residents at no charge.

This is a significant commitment, and one that is not taken lightly by St. Johnsbury Kiwanis. Kiwanians work year-round to ensure this asset is protected and funded so that it will be available to area communities during the summer months.

The Kiwanis Pool was constructed in 1944. It is stunning, to me at least, to consider the effort and work that has gone into the pool for nearly 80 years. There are still original pieces of the pool, but most have been replaced, at least once.

Recently, the pool deck, diving boards, and all pumps were replaced at a cost of $200,000. Fortunately, for at least two decades, these projects were planned for, and they were able to be completed without borrowing. We are hopeful that facility fencing will be replaced prior to next summer's swimming season.

On Saturday, May 6th, Kiwanis' Annual Auction will return after a 3-years hiatus due to Covid. This is Kiwanis' largest fundraiser and critical to the continued operation and maintenance of the pool. Kiwanians have worked hard to collect a wide variety of auction items that have been generously donated by area businesses and residents. Many have also decided to sponsor the auction and pool.

Most recall that the Auction used to be a three-evening event that the community could follow on TV and radio with bids placed over the phone.

This year's format will be very different, and we hope entertaining. A live and silent auction will be conducted simultaneously between 4 and 6:30 on May 6 in the St. Johnsbury Academy Gym.

Also, this year, we will be serving dinner items. Bring the family, eat dinner, and bid on some excellent auction items. It should be a lot of fun and an opportunity to get out, meet friends, and make new friends.

Ultimately, Kiwanis is about people. We are actively growing our membership and would love to speak with anyone interested in joining. Kiwanis meets once a month with fundraising and work at the pool in between meetings. Kiwanis is a great way to give back to the community, please consider joining.

I hope to see many members of the community on May 6th, the auction will be a lot of fun!

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