Green Up Saturday - Ice Cream, Prizes - Town Garage Tour

Past event
May 6, 2023, 8:30 to 11 AM

Our annual Green-Up Gala is Saturday May 6, starting at 8:30. We will meet at the NEW TOWN GARAGE to sign up for sections of road and take a free tour of Tinmouth's newest building.

We will meet back at the Transfer Station at 11:00 for the Gala Awards Ceremony where we offer prizes for amazing categories like most colorful, most useful, yuckiest, most valuable finds, and more! We always have a fun time and eat ice cream too. And maybe it won't even rain!

Green-Up is a statewide community event which takes place every year on the first Saturday of May. Tinmouth has had a robust Green-up event for many years. For those who cannot make it to the event , you can do a DIY version by stopping at the Town Office and signing up for a section of road and getting your distinctive green bags for trash collection. The goal is to cover all the roads to start the season with trash free roadsides.

Adopt a Road is also an option - commit to keep a section of road trash free and we will not assign it at Green-Up day. Your regular walking route, or the road you drive down every day can be satisfying options. Hope to see you all on Saturday.

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New Town Garage Tinmouth

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