Robert Devost asked about the May 3rd Community Forum, mentioning extra costs to taxpayers, consultant selection, and his feelings of learning info after the fact -
In case others have similar questions, here's a recap:
The Planning Commission began this project in 2022, to update the Town Plan as required by law every 8 years. The PC applied for a grant, won a grant, developed an RFP to solicit consultant bids, developed evaluation criteria, reviewed bids, and selected consultants to lead the Town Plan project. The PC chose consultants with strengths in public engagement and community planning. The PC conducts all its business in twice monthly public meetings, with agendas, minutes, and video recordings available on the Join in Jericho website, and updates posted to Front Porch Forum.
The Selectboard, in public meetings, reviewed and approved the consultants' contract with specific deliverables, including public outreach efforts. The May 3rd Community Forum is one of several public meetings and online surveys. The grant awarded covers about half the consultants' 18-month $45k contract. The Town's share was spread across two fiscal years as part of the budgets approved at Town Meetings. The Town complies with strict grant oversight re: hiring, paying and evaluating consultants.
The PC volunteers and Town staff appreciate the support and guidance from our consultants who are experts in community planning, throughout this large and important project. Hopefully, the posters we put up around town, the yard signs, the frequent Front Porch Forum posts, and the hours of work from PC members to prepare and conduct this Forum will provide information and encourage participation.
Details for the Community Forum -
The Planning Commission will host a dynamic in-person event, where you can choose topics and activities that are important to you, to help craft the new TOWN PLAN. You will be able to move among various "stations" or discussion groups, to offer feedback on Housing, Transportation, Local Economy, Natural Resources, Infrastructure, and Land Use. If you like to talk with neighbors, great. If you prefer a quieter way to offer feedback, there will be maps and questionnaires and voting stickers. Plus, snacks! The Town Plan Project Consultants will be on hand to guide the evening.
*** The Forum will be adapted into an online tool, to expand the conversation with residents who can't come in person ***
Please help define the next chapter for our community - Jericho's Journey Forward, Town Plan 2024 -
Susan Bresee, Planning Commission
Jan 28, 2025, 6:30 to 7:45 PM
Community Storytelling EventJan 30, 2025, 6 to 8:30 PM
Stories and Songs with Beth and David LondonJan 31, 2025, 11 to 11:45 AM