SOAR Summerfest

Past event
Jul 24, 2014

A reminder for TOMORROW evening, Thursday, July 24:

Neshobe SOAR Summerfest and Brandon Area Chamber of Commerce concert series

5:00 – 8:00 p.m. @ Neshobe School Playground (There is a parking lot behind the main building.)

TOMORROW starting at 5:00 p.m. with a traditional pig roast.

Pig Roast is $8.00 per person and includes corn on the cob from Wood's Market, Baked Beans from the Abbey Group, and cole slaw from Applebee's. THANK YOU TO WOOD'S MARKET, APPLEBEE'S, AND THE ABBEY GROUP FOR THEIR SUPPORT! It is greatly appreciated!

Our wonderful PTO will be selling Neshobe t-shirts and delicious Neshobe salsa.

There will be a table with information on Brandon Cares.

SOAR Summerfest will be featuring:

*Games, baked goods and hand crafts made by the SOAR Entrepreneurs
*Students have been busy building game show sets for Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune
*Baking brownies, banana muffins and a Neshobe treat - sunbutter cookies
*Making necklaces and beaded earrings.

*All baked goods and handcrafts made by the SOAR Entrepreneurs will be available for purchase to help support the SOAR afterschool and summer programs.

The Lend a Helping Paw SOAR group has been working hard on finding ways to help out local animal shelters. We have met with a volunteer from the Rutland County Humane Society and visited the Homeward Bound Humane Society to discuss different ways everyone can help support animal shelters. We discovered that shelters are always looking for donations of supplies they use everyday and would like to help them out! We will be collecting items for the two humane societies during SOAR Summerfest as well as holding a bake sale for both people and pets! Thank you for your contributions!

"Wish List" donation items:
* cat/dog toys
* paper towels
* tennis balls
* Q-Tips
* hand sanitizer
* DRY dog/puppy/cat/kitten food
* canned cat food
* small paper plate
* dish detergent

At 6:30 p.m. performing for the Chamber of Commerce Summer concert series will be Feral Godmother!

Enjoy a delicious BBQ. Bring a chair or blanket. Rain location will be in the school gym. We hope that you will be able to join us! AMAZING things happen when the Neshobe School Community comes together!

SOAR Summerfest will be featuring:

*Games, baked goods and hand crafts made by the SOAR Entrepreneurs
*Students have been busy building game show sets for Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune
*Baking brownies, banana muffins and a Neshobe treat - sunbutter cookies
*Making necklaces and beaded earrings.
*All baked goods and handcrafts made by the SOAR Entrepreneurs will be available for purchase to help support the SOAR afterschool and summer programs

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