Volunteer for Green Up Day May 6

Past event
May 6, 2023

Green Up Day is Saturday, May 6. Residents, businesses and community groups are invited to help clean up the Town's roads, beaches, parks and bike path.

You can pick up bags and road assignments at the Police Station on Blakely Road between 8 a.m. and noon on Green Up Day. The Conservation Commission, which coordinates Green Up efforts for the Town, will provide instructions on where to leave bags for pick up by the Town's road crew. You may select your own Town road or area to clean, provided it has not already been assigned, and can work as many hours as you want.

Bags and a sign-up sheet also will be available at the Police Station beginning today, Monday, May 1.

In 2022, 647 volunteers, including 300 high school students, picked up 4.68 tons of trash and 883 tires.

Questions? Contact Green Up Day Coordinators Theresa Carroll (greenupcolchester@gmail.com) or Pam Loranger (ploranger@colchestervt.gov).

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