Dear Neighbors,
The City Council will meet on Monday, May 1. Public forum will start at 7:15pm and you are welcome to attend in-person at City Hall or by Zoom at:
Items on the Council's May 1 agenda include:
--> NEIGHBORHOOD CODE – as the Council continues to consider zoning proposals for the South End Innovation District and Trinity Campus, the Office of City Planning has continued its own work on another zoning proposal called the Neighborhood Code. The intent of this proposal is to more broadly allow for the development of additional housing that is in scale to our existing neighborhoods. The Council will receive an initial presentation on the City's proposal.
--> FUNDING FOR COMMUNITY GATHERING SPACES – the Council will vote on whether to dedicate $2 million in federal ARPA funds to build new and improve existing community gathering spaces, including a new community room and kitchen at Burlington City Arts on Pine Street, a permanent food kiosk in City Hall Park, a new pavilion at Roosevelt Park, upgrades to the Moran FRAME, the creation of a new community room at the Redstone Cottage on North Avenue, and upgrades to the library branch in the New North End.
--> PATRICK LEAHY BURLINGTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT – the Council will vote on whether to formally change the name of BTV airport to honor the service of Senator Leahy.
--> AD HOC REASSESSMENT COMMITTEE – in response to community concerns about our most recent reappraisal process, the Council established an ad hoc Reassessment Committee. The Council will receive the final report from this committee, which will include recommendations on future improvements to our reappraisal process.
--> BPD ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF CAIP – as the City, Burlington Police Department, and other community partners continue to work towards standing up a new crisis response team, the Council will vote on creating a new Assistant Director position at BPD for the crisis response team and other Crisis, Advocacy, and Intervention Programs ("CAIP").
Thank you for your feedback and participation.
Ben Traverse
Ward 5 City Councilor
(802) 357-2055
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