Westford Recreation Committee Meeting

Past event
May 2, 2023, 7 to 9 PM

Westford Recreation Board Meeting
May 02, 2023 7:00 p.m. at the Town Office with Zoom option

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 861 2088 8710 Passcode: Rec

Review April Minutes
Changes to Agenda
Schedule Next Meeting: Tuesday, June 6, or Monday, June 12 Time 7:00 p.m.???
Public Comment

Welcome Baby Tea Donation request - This has usually been served by the Turkey Trot money. They requested $200 and the total cost for the event is usually $400.


Upcoming Programs & Events:
Volleyball start - 9 participants
Slow Flow Yoga start - 1 full, 1 drop in participant
Amphibian Nature walk - 3 participants currently
Adult Game Night - had to change the date to June 4 RBMH was busy May 21
Independence Day celebration
Community Suggestions/Potential programs:
Pickleball for adults - community request
Swimming through Green Mountain Aquatics at St. Mikes's

Misc Follow Up:
Recreation Supply Cage organization
T-ball and soccer ball purchases for Pre-K program
No Fireworks money in budget
Ice Rink - Rink Master and protocols

Disclaimer: If a quorum of the Board is attending in-person, the meeting will continue notwithstanding a disruption or disconnection in electronic participation. Therefore, in-person attendance is recommended.
The Vermont Department of Health recommends that each person decide if they want to take precautions, such as wearing a mask, based on their own personal level of risk. Please stay home if you are unwell.
Any individual who believes that they need a reasonable accommodation may submit a request to the Town Administrator. The Town will assess whether the request for reasonable accommodation is necessary to make the Town service, program, or activity available to an individual with a disability; whether there is an alternative accommodation which may provide an equivalent level of access and/or benefit; whether the requested reasonable accommodation would impose an undue financial or administrative burden; or whether the requested reasonable accommodation would require a fundamental alteration in the nature of the Town service, program or activity.

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Event Info

Westford Town Office, Vermont 128, Westford, VT

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