Please note this meeting will be held at the Library's Community Room.
The packet can be viewed here:
The agenda includes the following:
7:00 PM - Repair to deck of Bridge 31 (Dorset Street)
7:15 PM - Beach Event Policy
7:30 PM - Request for Bids for Resurfacing of Tennis Courts at the Charlotte Beach
7:45 PM - Contract with VLCT for Executive Recruitment Services
8:00 PM - Barbara Russ/Dean Williams appeal of denial of DRB 22-262-CU—request Town Attorney to enter an appearance
8:05 PM - Refund Tanya Bos $100 for withdrawn application for a Highway Access Permit
8:10 PM - Liquor licenses (as Liquor Control Board):
• Pelkey & Hogan's Charlotte Village Winery, 3968 Greenbush Road—application for 1st Class Restaurant/Bar License
• Roland's Place, 3260 Greenbush Road—application for a 1st Class Restaurant/Bar License
• Whit's End, LLC d/b/a Old Brick Store, 290 Ferry Road—application for a 2nd Class Liquor License
8:15 PM - Personnel [possible executive session per 1 VSA §313(a)(3)]
Dec 26, 2024, 10 AM to 12 PM
Family Yoga, Games, & Dance for New Year's Eve-IshDec 30, 2024, 3:30 to 4:45 PM
A Flamy New Year's EveDec 31, 2024, 7 to 10 PM