Town of Wallingford
Selectboard Meeting
Monday, May 1, 2023
Wallingford Town Hall ~ 6:30 p.m.
This meeting will be held on the second floor of Town Hall. Please stay home if sick or if you have been exposed to COVID-19.
1. Call the Meeting to Order 6:30
2. Agenda Additions/Deletions 6:30
3. Approval: 6:35
• Selectboard Minutes - 04/17/23
• Pay Orders 05/02/23
4. Road Commissioner's Report 6:40
5. Roadside Mower Attachment 6:45
6. Honorable Mentions 6:50
7. Public Comments 6:55
8. Conservation Commission 7:00
~ Member Concern
~ Sale of Honey and Donation to purchase bees
9. ARPA Committee Funding Recommendations 7:05
10. Appointment 7:35
~ Rutland County Solid Waste District Rep.
~ Dev. Review Board Alternate
11. Social Media Policy 7:40
12. Town Hall Use Requests 7:50
13. VEM Grant for Generator at Town Hall 8:00
14. Memorial Day Parade Coverage 8:10
15. Lifeguard/Counselor Application 8:15
16. Selectboard Comments/Concerns 8:25
17. Other Business 8:30
15. Adjourn
All times are approximate.