Location: Rutland County Solid Waste District Office
2 Green Hill Lane
Rutland, VT 05701
PaintCare, Inc. is sponsoring a paint recycling event that is free and open to residents and businesses in Vermont. Households may bring any amount of latex or oil-based paint. Businesses that generate less than 220 pounds (about 20-30 gallons) of hazardous waste per month may bring any amount of latex or oil-based paint; more than 220 pounds per month, may bring only latex paint to this event.
Containers must have original labels.
You may bring: latex or oil house paint and/or primer, stains, deck and concrete sealers, and clear finishes (varnishes, shellac).
You may not bring: leaking, unlabeled or empty containers; aerosol spray paints; no drums or containers larger than 5 gallons; or other hazardous waste/chemicals (paint thinner, solvents, motor oil, spackle, glue, adhesive, roofing tar, pesticides, cleaning chemicals).
For more information visit: www.paintcare.org or call 855-724-6809.