Take the Outside In: a Mindful Outdoor Experience

Past event
May 21, 2023, 9:30 to 11 AM

Take a nature-based meditative journey, led by Kripalu Mindful Outdoor Guide Susan McDowell.

The Experience lasts ninety minutes. We'll spend time centering in place, in our bodies, and in our breath. We awaken our senses, and—quite possibly!—our sense of wonder.

This is not an athletic or strenuous endeavor. The most active portion of a Mindful Outdoor Experience is described with words such as meander, stroll, ramble, wander. You'll be invited to sit quietly on or near the ground for a portion of the time—always with the option to modify any movement(s) suggested.

There is no cost, but group size is limited to twelve with registration required; please sign up in advance here: https://forms.gle/RJDjtN31at5YE5Wd9

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The Cow Pasture, Barre City, VT

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