Recreation Committee Meeting

Past event
May 2, 2023, 7 to 8:30 PM

Town of Richmond
Recreation Committee Meeting Agenda
Tues, May 2, 2023 at 7 - 8:30 PM
Hybrid- Town Office Conference Room, 3rd Floor

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Meeting ID: 863 5730 2307
Passcode: 639340
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I. Call to Order (by 7:05pm)
II. Welcome
III. Public comment for non-agenda items (7:05-7:15)
IV. Business: (7:40 - 8:30)
A. Administration:
i. Approval of Minutes from previous meeting: 4.6.2023
ii. Duncan - Park Use Events.
B. Outreach:
i. Website (Kirsten)
ii. Green Up Day Check in - Number of volunteers, supplies, engagement of community members.
iii. Lawn Games - announcement, where to place it
C. Playground
i. May 2 Inspection (Duncan and Kate)
ii. Budget work plan: What is next while waiting to hear back from Selectboard after the ARPA committee makes recommendations?
iii. Next steps
D. Budget: Is there anything needed to purchase before the end of the budget year?
E. Next meeting: set agenda items for next meeting (e.g., review work plan and set/revise priorities)
F. Motion to Adjourn: 8:30

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