Ranked Choice Voting

Past event
May 9, 2023, 7 to 8:30 PM

Ranked Choice Voting: A Reform That Makes Sense.
Tuesday, May 9 from 7-8:30 p.m.
Rutland Free Library, (in Fox Room) 10 Court Street, Rutland

Join Dr. Betty Keller of the League of Women Voters of Vermont in the Rutland Library's Fox Room to learn more about what is happening with Ranked Choice Voting (RCV), a voting reform method that could be the future of how we vote in Vermont. RCV changes the way we elect our public officials, giving voters more choices and more power.

Betty will discuss how ranked choice voting works, why RCV gives voters more voice in presidential primaries, what is in S.32, the current Vermont bill on RCV, and whether Vermonters would be better off using ranked choice voting in elections. She will also conduct a mock election to help participants understand, in a fun, interactive way how RCV works.

Additionally, on Monday, May 8, Betty will give an online presentation updating viewers on Senate Bill 32, a bill that proposes to establish ranked choice voting for federal elections in Vermont. Currently, S.32 permits cities and towns to adopt ranked choice voting for local elections, should they choose, as early as 2024 Town Meeting Day. The bill also creates a study committee to consider implementation of RCV for statewide elections as soon as 2026.

Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAqd-ytrDorHtTT5f5mnPLxOxeyZMpOuhZY.

The League of Women Voters of Vermont is an advocate for ranked choice voting in Vermont and is conducting a robust public education program to familiarize voters with this voting system and reinforce voter confidence. Contact Betty with questions at bkeller@lwvofvt.org.


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Rutland Library (in Fox Room)