Selectboard Agenda for Monday, April 24

Past event
Apr 24, 2023, 6 to 8:30 PM

6:00 Call to Order, additions or changes to agenda and administrative items
- Approve Minutes of 04/10/23
- Sign Board Orders
-Sign new contract with NEMRC for auditing, payroll, and other services
- Sign contract for town audit with Sullivan and Powers
- It is time to contact dog owners who have not registered their dogs to remind them to do so and to include a late fee of $4 per dog.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Authorize Barbara Butler (in lieu of an Animal Control Officer) to send out reminders to delinquent dog owners.

6:05 Public Comment
Up to 15 minutes (time will be divided so that everyone has equal time to speak)

6:20 ROW Permit
Approve a permit for work in the highway right of way as requested by Louis Porter. Mr. Porter proposes to replace a sewer line which will involve digging on either side of the road in the Town right of way.

6:25 Presentation of Calais Local Emergency Management Plan for 2023-2024; Presented by
Nick Emlen, Calais Emergency Management Director
POSSIBLE ACTION: Adopt and sign Calais Local Emergency Management Plan

6:35 Review Washington County Sheriff proposed 2023-2024 contract
POSSIBLE ACTION: Revise and sign contract

6:45 Traffic Ordinance; Presented by Anne Winchester
Changing of speed limits on any paved road and on any unpaved road for which the proposed limit is to be less than 35mph can only be done following and in accordance with a traffic study. The former Selectboard identified 10 areas for lowering of speed limits, each of which will require a traffic study. We have requested that CVRPC conduct the required traffic studies this summer. They will do this at no cost to the Town. While they have scheduled us for study this summer, they may not be able to carry out all of the 10 studies that would be required for all the proposed changes.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Prioritize where to ask CVRPC to conduct traffic studies

6:55 Presentation of draft "Livestock Running at Large Ordinance"; Presented by Anne Winchester
A copy of the draft with changes highlighted can be found on the town website: / governance / ordinances and policies / Draft Livestock Ordinance
POSSIBLE ACTION: Vote to adopt revised ordinance

7:10 Reports
- Curtis Pond Dam: Jamie Moorby and Gabrielle Malina. Possible Executive Session to consider contract proposed by Thomas Melloni, bond counsel for Paul, Frank and Collins.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Authorize signing of contract with Paul, Frank and Collins for services as Bond
Counsel for Curtis Pond Dam
- Meeting of East Montpelier Fire Dept, East Montpelier Selectboard and Calais Selectbaord: Anne Toolan
- Documents and Emails: Jordan Keyes
- Status of Shedd v. Calais: Anne Toolan and Jordan Keyes
- Collective Bargaining Team: Jamie Moorby, Anne Toolan, Jordan Keys
- Roads: Anne Toolan and Jamie Moorby
POSSIBLE ACTIONS on one or more of the following issues:
◦ Drinking water at the town garage
◦ Road signs:
Radar signs that should be returned
Several signs in town need attention, such as height adjustment or pruning of brush around them
◦ Other

If time allows: Rules of Procedure; POSSIBLE ACTION: Adopt revised rules


8:30 New Business and Adjournment

Note: Agenda items may be taken up earlier than noted if items are completed more quickly than anticipated.

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