Hello Neighbors! I am helping to organize the 2023 National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA) Walk, however, we need some help!
We are looking for volunteers for the following tasks for the NEDA Walk at Main Street Landing on Sunday, April 30th, 2023:
- Set up (8-10 am)
- Activities: Axe throwing & photobooth support
- Raffle: Set up a table of prizes, sell tickets
- Food & Bev: organize and set up a table of food and drinks
- Pick up items: balloons, posters, coffee, food
- Tear down & Cleanup (12-2 pm)
Many of these volunteer tasks can be done by people of any age: so if you're looking for a kid-friendly activity on Sunday the 30th, please consider joining us at the NEDA Walk!
If you are interested in volunteering, you can email us at burlingtonvtnedawalk@gmail.com
More information can be found here: https://nedawalk.org/burlington2023