Please join us on Saturday, May 6 for Green Up Day! This unique Vermont event happens annually on the first Saturday in May, and is an opportunity for our community to come together and clean up our roadside trash. If you can volunteer an hour or two of your time between 8am and 5pm on Saturday, May 6, please stop by the Broad Brook Community Center at 3940 Guilford Center Road to help in this effort to pick up as much roadside litter in Guilford as we can in one day.
At the Community Center you can pick up your Green Up Day trash bags, sign up for a road to clean, grab some refreshments, and see the Green Up day posters made by the students of Guilford Central School. The dump trucks will be parked there starting at 8am, and there will be one truck just for large metal trash. We will also have bags this year for recyclables! Note that we can't accept hazardous waste or tires.
If you want to get started early, you can also pick up Green Up day trash bags at the Town office ahead of time anytime they are open (7-5 M-Th), and let us know what road you will clean by emailing, and then bring your gathered litter to the Community Center on May 6.
Every little bit helps, and this one day makes a huge difference for the rest of the year. Please join us!
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