Williston Selectboard Meeting Agenda

Past event
Apr 18, 2023, 5:45 PM

The Williston Selectboard will meet on Tuesday, April 18th at 6:45 PM. The Town is offering a hybrid meeting set-up for public participation. Attend the meeting in-person at the Beckett/McGuire Meeting Room at Town Hall, or by using the video conference platform zoom. Copied below is a summary of the meeting agenda.

The agenda packet for the meeting, and information how to connect to the meeting using zoom can be viewed on the Town website at the following link: https://www.town.williston.vt.us/index.asp?Type=B_BASIC&SEC={F5EE2A34-0530-4E1F-8B57-A94[...]6B}

All Selectboard meetings are also live steamed by Town Meeting TV on YouTube, visit the following link for the YouTube Channel to live stream or watch a prior meeting: https://www.youtube.com/townmeetingtv

Williston Selectboard Meeting Agenda - April 18, 2023
1 . Call to Order
2 . Anticipated Executive Session- Consider entering executive session to discuss a collective bargaining agreement with employees
3 . NEPBA Local 409 MOU & Police Retention/Hiring Program- Consider authorizing Manager to enter into MOU with NEPBA Local 409 & consider amending police retention/hiring program
4 . Minutes - April 4, 2023
5 . Public Comment - General Issues
6 . Resolution for Retiring Employee- Consider adopting resolution
7 . Public Hearing - Sewer Allocation Ordinance Amendment- Hold public hearing to receive comment on proposed amendment to Attachment A of Sewer Allocation Ordinance
8 . Sewer Allocation Ordinance Amendment- Consider adopting amendment to ordinance Attachment A
9 . Town and Library MOU Renewal- Consider renewing MOU with the Library
10 . Local Emergency Operations Plan 2023- Considering approving plan
11 . Housing Needs Assessment Overview- Receive presentation from Planning Dept. Staff on completed
housing needs assessment
12 . Liquor/Tobacco License Renewals- Consider approving batch of license renewals
13 . Manager's Report
14 . Other Business
15 . Adjournment

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Event Info

Beckett/McGuire Meeting Room at Town Hall

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