Tuesday Night Live

Past event
Jul 22, 2014, 5 PM

Tuesday Night Live in Johnson is more than just music; although Jon Gailmor at 5 PM and the Aerolites at 6 PM on July 22nd offer a great show. Non-profit groups add to the sense of community at the Legion Field on School Street.

The Library is hosting a Storywalk, an activity that combines the benefits of physical activity, time outdoors in nature, literacy, and family time. The Storywalk is titled "Over in the Meadow.” Each page of the book is laminated and hitched to a stake. The stakes are placed around the field so families can walk along and read each page of the story. Storywalk and Jon Gailmor are sponsored by the VT Department of Libraries, the Johnson Public Library and the Lanpher Memorial Library.

Also, celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Lamoille Regional Solid Waste Management District at Tuesday Night Live. They will be in the Conservation Commission’s tent where kids can pick up coloring contest sheets and cool giveaways. Information about the new Universal Recycling Law will be available and you can have all of your solid waste wonders put to rest by asking Lamoille’s rubbish aficionado, Elly Ventura.

The Johnson Historical Society’s homemade pies and cake are a Tuesday Night Live must. Baked fresh each Tuesday by a cadre of chef-quality volunteers, there is a selection to satisfy any pallet, strawberry-rhubarb, blueberry, maple cream, peach, apple and many more. Grilled hotdogs and salads can also be found under the Historical Society’s tent.

Tuesday Night Live is generously supported by: Chuck’s Bikes, Concept 2, Foote Brook Farm, Forget Me Not Shop, Johnson Hardware/Rental, Johnson State College, Laraway Youth and Family Services, and Polow, Polow & Mahoney. Also, R. E. Construction, Rock Art Brewery, Sterling Market, The Studio Store, Vermont Studio Center, and Carrie Cook Design.

Vendors on site include Back country BBQ, Raymond's Nepalese, Mediterranean mix, Fire and slice pizza, Tammy's gourmet hot dogs, Hot tamale, Kingdom creamery ice cream, and Inner wolf batik clothing.
Lois M. Frey
802 635-7826

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