Writing Through the Chakras

Past event
Aug 1, 2014, 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM

Join a small circle of women in a daylong retreat in Marlboro to write through the chakras.

Writing experience/craft/style is completely irrelevant. This is a consciousness journey with writing as a tool for personal attention, revelation & integration. (Come with some topic/life issue/idea that you'd like to explore or allow what needs attention to spontaneously emerge. )

Room for 7 women.
$77.77 (or $66.66 when you come with a friend.)

The day-long gathering takes place on MacArthur Rd, Friday, August 1st--Lúnasa--blessing of the harvest~the midpoint between Summer Solstice & the Autumnal Equinox. Inside & outside spaces will be used--weather permitting.

To reserve a space or ask questions, reply to this post.

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