Cobleigh Library Plant Sale

Past event
May 26 to 27, 2023

"If you have a Library and a Garden you have all you need" (Cicero)

Our first Plant Sale is getting closer and will be a wonderful opportunity to restock your gardens and help support the Cobleigh Library Bookmobile at the same time.

Plant Sale Friday, May 26 (10-5) & Saturday, May 27 (9-1), at the library rain or shine.

Master Gardener Nanine Beard from Monument Garden and Design will be at the sale to answer all your gardening questions. Folks from Community Waste Solutions will also join us to answer your questions about recycling and composting. There will be a gardening book display in the library.

Please donate your extra vegetable starts, divided garden perennials, reseeding annuals, rooted branch cuttings, and houseplants of all descriptions. If possible, use sterile, or clean solarized soil to prevent jumping worms and soil pathogens. To solarize soil all you have to do is let it stand in the sun for a few days.

Donations accepted starting May 24th at the library. Transplant plants at least 10 days before you donate them. Label each plant, please.

Volunteers are needed to make this event a success. If you have questions, would like to donate plants, or can volunteer at the event, please email us. Hope to see many of you there.

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Event Info

Cobleigh Public Library, Depot Street, Lyndonville, VT

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